Dr. Elmer E. Wells,
President and Founder
Carla M. Barela
EI Angeo
The Corporate Secretary,
Domains 1 -4 contain introductions to copyrighted books for sale. Each book is accompanied by a background overview, plus an excerpt. Since Dr. Wells has only 4 books for sale, neither #5 nor #6 carry references to books, but domain #6 introduces two post-racial comic book characters: Hosteen and Santana. And the poetry/essays appearing on this domain will describe the pair in White/Black Girl and Black/White Boy; as well as their First Battle, Act I and II. In order to derive the fullest enjoyment from these domains, it is recommended that you begin with #1 and work your way through to #6. Each one is a little different.
The 4 books are on sale for $100 each plus applicable state and county sales taxes. Payment can be made by personal check, cashier’s check or money order. Items appearing under Art Show Exhibition will sell at the price listed for each in DOMAIN #6.
Send requests and payments to:
Dr. Elmer E. Wells
P. O. BOX 11473
Pueblo, Colorado 81001
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online Request