It started back in school when you were eight and I was ten. You would smile at me and I would always grin. You helped me with my numbers. I felt like such a fool 'cause I was much older than you? 'Cause I was much older than you. Nobody knew back then how things would all turn out. We was all just kids a playin'. Couldn't hear what they were sayin'. Nobody knew back then that someday it would change. That I'd buy you a weddin' ring and you'd then take my name. I can still see you standin' there in your dress all clean and white. 1guess there'll be a weddin' tonight. Yep, 1guess there'll be a weddin' tonight. "Do you take this boy to love and enjoy?" "I do." "Do you take this gal?" "Of course." "Then does anybody here want to interfere with what's goin' on here tonight?" That's when the shot came from the back. That's when you fell and screamed. And all that 1could do right then was cry and think: "What man could be so mean?" "What woman could be so mean?" I wondered then and wonder now why folks still want to fight. Just 'cause you was black and I was white? Just 'cause you was black and I was white.
Copyright 2009 Dr. Elmer E. Wells
Oh Mary, Mother of God
Do you still recall
The thrill of it all?
The trip to the stable
'Cause you were unable
To find room in the Inn?
Oh Mary, Mother of God
Do you still remember
That night in December
When the star shown so bright
And your arms held Him tight?
When the men came to see
Who this dear Child could be?
Oh Mary, Mother of God
Do you still remember
The cross that He bore?
The blood and the nails
The anguish and wails
When He died on the cross?
That Infant you suckled,
That Boy that you raised,
The Man who stood tall
In spite of it all?
Oh Mary, Mother of God
I just wanna tell ya
I want you to know.
That night in the manger
That night you gave birth
That Son that you swaddled
Is still King on Earth.
© 2009 Dr. Elmer E. Wells
Why am I happy as could be? Because my husband just left me.
Prior to that, I had a spouse.
He was the cat,
I was the mouse.
First, it was one can of beer.
Then two, then four.
By then, I was his ugly whore.
Then, after a full six-pack,
You pig! You slut! You runt!
You're ugly! You're stupid! You cunt!
It took 365 six-packs over 10 years For me to get over my fears.
So why am I happy as can be?
Cause now I am a dee vor cee!
© 2009 Dr. Elmer E. Wells
Is this order to go or will you be eating it here? Alien watchmen. Ocean
Shark fins, rigged thorn worms, marmalade with fried onion rings.
Porcupine tea or olive
russets? Shoe laces, backstraps, lamp light. With or without ice? Do you
want those
potatoes peeled? How do you want your eggs? Sled dogs, whale songs,
black ice, stockings.
Pimp songs, razor backs, with ice cream. Sorry, only chocolate, vanilla or
Drenched in vinegar wine and sauerkraut lemonade.
Huge lamp shades squirming, swimming eagle necklaces washed in tie dye,
warp speed, wearing long skins numbered by throat lozenges, incoherently
reciting the Lord's Prayer. Lettuce swords, toasted apes. Either burnt,
or frozen.
Opossum tail, manic depressive, peacock feathers. Would you care to be
restored to life? Or recalled?
Suggestive undulating jello. Blue-red bread spears rolled in wheat germ.
Washed in rice fungus. Irrigated by yoke of egg.
Smoked parakeets with side order of giant snails.
15 water devils smiling. Innocent or guilty? Sorry, we are fresh out of
chitlins and pig ears.
Imams gnashing aboard buoyed slave ships. Triumphant intruders.
Mashed hot buns. Sirens wailing.
Spits smoking -all served in a bowl too small. Will you be wanting dessert?
Copyright 2009 Dr. Elmer E. Wells
Source: Revised Standard Version Holy Bible Old
Testament Ecclesiastes 10th Chapter 19th Verse:
"Bread is made for laughter,
and wine gladdens life,
and money answers everything."
Source: The Jerusalem Bible Old
Testament Ecclesiastes 1Oth Chapter 19th Verse:
"-But meals are made for laughter. Wine gives joy to life.
Money is the answer to everything."
Source: Authorized King James Version Holy Bible Old
Testament Ecclesiastes 10th Chapter 19th verse:
"A feast is made for laughter,
and wine maketh merry:
but money answereth all things."
Source: Good News Bible-
Old Testament Ecclesiastes 10th Chapter 19th Verse:
"Feasting makes you happy
and wine cheers you up, but you
can't have either without money."
Ever notice that the people who say that money isn't everything
are always people who already have money?
From the time I first started going to Sunday School, preachers
have been telling me that the love of money is the root of all evil, which comes from
1 Timothy 6:10 In The Jerusalem Bible and 1 Timothy 6:10 In the Revised Standard Holy Bible.
So what's wrong with like?
Throughout my entire life, I have never had a preacher/minister share with me
the scriptures listed above extolling the virtues of money. I wonder why?
Suppose I just liked money a lot? Would that satisfy them?
Me thinks that the rich folks of the world have
tried to convince the poor folks that their reward (peace)
comes with death (heaven); and that if they want
riches on earth, they had better win the all illusive
Lotto or Powerball.
I provided specific references for you on this topic so that if you are
skeptical of what appears here you can check it out for yourself.
Are you wavering? Then go check it out for your self.
Copyright 2009 Dr. Elmer E. Wells